At their meeting on Oct. 15, Roswell’s City Council officially approved a property tax rate—also known as a millage rate—for Tax Year 2024 of 4.949 mils, which is the same as the prior year’s millage rate. The rate includes two components: a Maintenance & Operations (M & O) component and a Debt Service component. Roswell’s proposed 2024 millage rate of 4.949 mills represents no change in either component of the millage rate.
“This year’s property tax rate remains the same as last year and reflects the Mayor and City Council’s commitment to providing the highest level of financial stewardship by effectively managing taxpayers’ money and the fiscal activities of the City. We are pleased to be able to maintain the lowest Maintenance and Operations portion of the millage rate in more than 16 years,” said Mayor Kurt Wilson.
The Maintenance & Operations (M & O) component of 4.049 supports the City’s General Fund services and programs, such as Public Safety, Recreation and Parks, Transportation, and services offered by other City departments. The 4.049 rate reflects the lowest M&O millage rate in more than 16 years.
The Debt Service component accounts for 0.900 of the rate and is applied to the repayment of voter-approved debt. Property taxes paid this year will be applied to the repayment of the City’s first bond issuance of $86.2 million (approved in May 2023), which includes $53.1 million that will be used toward Recreation, Parks, bicycle and pedestrian paths and sidewalks; $13.1 million towards Public Safety (Police and Fire) projects; and $20 million towards a public parking deck in downtown Roswell. A second issuance of additional bond funds is expected in spring/summer of 2025.To learn more about the Bond Program, visit
We are pleased to be able to maintain the lowest Maintenance and Operations portion of the millage rate in more than 16 years.
Mayor Kurt Wilson
Out of the total property tax that a Roswell resident pays each year, City taxes are equal to approximately 16 percent of their total bill. Taxes paid to Fulton County Schools and Fulton County account for approximately 55 percent and 29 percent, respectively. Each government entity determines its own millage rate for its portion.
With the City of Roswell’s 4.949 millage rate, a Roswell homeowner who has a property with a fair market value of $575,000 (assessed value of $230,000 or 40%), will pay about $1,138.27 in property taxes to the City of Roswell. Property owners with homestead exemptions would pay even less. Approximately $207 of that homeowner’s City property tax goes directly towards investments in the community through the Bond Program, which was approved by voters in November 2022.
Roswell property owners can expect to receive their tax bill in the mail before the end of October, with a payment deadline of Dec. 31, 2024.
For more information about property taxes, as well as available Homestead Exemptions, visit